Saturday, March 27, 2010

DIY 面膜 DIY Mask

嘿,不是啦,我还没到那个会用天然食品来自制面膜的地部啦。只是想分享一下我在没入息不舍得花钱去买SKII的Hydrating Mask的日子里如何善用资源,打救自己的脸部问题。
如果要我推荐一个爽肤水的话,我会推荐Bobbie Brown的Soothing Face Tonic,它够滋润,还有Lavender芳香,更能松弛神经,女人我最大也有介绍。如果经济不允许的话,去一躺Sasa,专柜小姐一定能为你找到一个适合你的品牌。


No la, I am not that superb can use raw mat to make my own mask. Just want to share with you how I do mask now since I don’t have any income to buy my beloved SKII Hydrating Mask.
I use cotton to soak in the hydrating toner, and then tear them into half, and put on my face piece by piece, for 15 minutes, result is not bad, very soothing and hydrating. I would recommend using Bobbie Brown Soothing Face Tonic if you have the budget, it is very hydrating, plus the Lavender scent which can sooth your skin and relax your mind every time you use. Otherwise just hop in to any Sasa, I am sure the promoter will recommend you a good bottle of toner that suit your budget.
Besides that, if you think that using cotton is too troublesome, you could use plain mask sheet selling at Sasa. As I am belongs to the extremely sensitive skin type, so I can’t use those mask sheet and use cotton instead. However, I feel that mask sheet will absorb more toner, which is not that economical after all.

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